Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Blog Guidelines

•Avoid leaving negative comments on someone else's blog.
•Own up to the mistakes you make while posting something new or whether its commenting something new.
•Do not post anything that could get you fired or damage your life.
•Always give credit when someone gives you an idea.
•Keep blogging educational and informational.
•Never over promote yourself when commenting.
•Don't post things about your personal life such as: full names, where you live, sports teams you play on, or where you got to school.
#1. Give credit where credit is due. If you saw a post, meme, idea, etc. that you love and want to recreate on your blog – go ahead. Just be sure to give link love to the person you blogjacked it from.
#2. Do not attack people with negative anonymous comments. If you’re going to disagree with someone own up to it by linking your name otherwise don’t comment at all. Leaving negative comments anonymously is a cowardly thing to do.
Obviously, you’re not going to agree with every post you read by every blogger – but allow others their opinion. It’s their blog and they can post what they want to.
The purpose of comments in general are to continue the conversation, give encouragement, or thank the person for their hyperlink or thoughts.
#3. Capitalize, punctuate, and start new paragraphs. It’s difficult to read blogs that are a single run on sentence. FYI: ALL CAPS IS LIKE SHOUTING.

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